Men do like girls with curly hair more than straight hair. Look at the following picture may be most of the men will find the girl with curly hair at right more nice than girl with straight hair.

I have kept my hair straight (in the past) & curly (embracing natural hair!) both, & my conclusion is that Men like confident, self dependent women.

I have naturally curly hair but I have straightened it in the past. The thing that I have noticed is that men like you irrespective of how you wear your crown!
Men love a woman who loves herself but is caring! They are attracted to confident, strong women who have an amazing sense of humor as well.
Having gorgeous curls does give you some brownie points, because of all the attention that you get whenever you go anywhere. Men like women who steal the limelight wherever they go
But it really depends on the man. I have had naturally curly hair my whole life and I’ve never noticed any difference in the way men treated me versus my straight haired female friends. Curly hair works for some people, but may not look as good on others. It just depends on your other features and how they all look together.

A man will love you for you. Whatever hair you were born with, rock it! You are unique and beautiful just as you are. It took me a long time to love my curls, but now I’m proud to have curly hair.

Even if it looks natural, it probably is ‘curled’. I have naturally curly hair, and trust me, it looks like a mess most of the time. Everyone says ‘how come it doesnt look like the curls on tv?’ BECAUSE THOSE AREN’T REAL CURLS.