The famous “Pretty Girls Ugly Faces” trend began back in 2014 on Reddit and quickly went viral. With double chins, crossed eyes and fake teeth, women share suggestive and funny images of themselves. Their funny results demonstrate the value of good lighting and proper angle. They even make a point about fake selfies and encourage us to love each other as we are.

Hilarious photos of attractive women pulling unattractive faces have emerged on social media.

The images, shared in a series of online galleries, show hundreds of ladies doing their very best ‘ugly’ faces in the bizarre craze sweeping the web.

One Reddit thread, devoted entirely to the hideous selfies, receives dozens of submissions a day and has some 42,000 subscribers.


Proving that selfies can be deceiving, this young woman is uncrecognisable in her three different selfies shared on the Reddit thread which has 42,000 subscribers
Not a flattering angle: The women are encouraged to take the ugliest shot possible, with one Reddit thread devoted to the pictures attracting some 42,000 subscribers

Two before and after pictures of this pretty blonde woman show her best and worst angles. She is one of hundreds of women who have jumped on board the ‘ugly selfie’ craze

Female users are instructed to take a ‘normal’ headshot of themselves and then follow it up with goofy teeth, squashed lips and double chins – and they certainly don’t hold back in their efforts, as these pictures show.
Not her best angle! A busy brunette sticks out her tongue while accentuating her double chins in this ‘ugly’ selfie, part of a gallery which has emerged online
Not holding back! This woman proves she has a healthy sense of humour as she looks like an entirely different person in her second snap with a number of double chins
This woman captioned her snap: ‘And God said, let there be chins’. Female users are instructed to take a ‘normal’ headshot of themselves and then follow it up with an ugly one