I broke up with my ex because she was cray-cray. I told her I no longer had feelings for her, and that after several big fights I started to feel bad when she talked about coming over.

We hadn’t actually slept together as she was “waiting for marriage”, but she decided it was time to abandon her principles entirely.
I still said no – it wasn’t good for her or good for me to go there and then dump her anyhow and it wasn’t going to change my mind.

yes actually, i said no because my gf at the time broke up with me, i regret not going for this other girl, because she was easily a 10/10, and she actually liked me alot, and i used to have a crush on her in the past, i feel so stupid now because i broke down to this girl on the internet and ruined everything because i was heart broken, it was probably the most cringy pathetic thing i ever did,

now i started talking to her again , its been like 10 years since that incident, we still flirt with eachother, but shes open about her sex partners and basically told me she was putting me on her waiting list, lol what ever.