TGN – Top Global News

Top global news

Should I stay with girl that wants me badly and treats me as a king or with one that is my dream girl but does not know what she wants?

Yes, by all means, leave the girl you are currently with for the younger, sexier one. Your current girlfriend treats you very well, is ambitious and loyal to you. But who wants all of that stuff when you can have a hotter, younger indecisive girlfriend? Do your current girlfriend a favor and leave her now […]

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Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?

A friend once grumbled that, given the choice, she’d rather see her ex miserable than herself happy. Few things in life are as traumatic as the end of a long-term, romantic relationship. Nonetheless, many people are able to eventually recover and move on relatively unscathed. Others, like my friend, aren’t so lucky. Even years later, […]

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