Looking to meet the old man of your dreams?

There’s now an app for that.
Called Gaper, the free app specializes in setting up relationships with an age gap. So you, too, could find your next mature partner or fresh-faced companion

The app, which appears to have launched about six months ago in the Apple store, works more like Craigslist, rather than your typical swiping dating apps like Tinder and Bumble.
And rather than users trying to hide their age inappropriate desires, this app puts it all out in the open. Users can browse through profiles and personal ads in their areas and then directly message the candidates they feel drawn to, say the creators in a press release.
“While these types of relationships can be frowned upon by society, the reality is that there are several benefits for those involved,” including, they say in the statement, “less drama, as older people tend to be comfortable and secure in themselves.”

Before you get too skeeved out by the thought of a bunch of Leo-wannabe silver foxes on the prowl, the app’s creators stress that it’s not just designed for older men to find a young hot thing: “Younger men dating older women frequently say they enjoy their stability, independence and life experience,” they say in the release.

Gaper strongly notes that their app is not for “mutually beneficial relationships,” like sugar daddy and sugar baby arrangements. It’s simply for intergenerational fun, without the benefit of money.
On the Apple store, the app has over 1,500 ratings, including from one very satisfied young man.
“I’m a young man at 25, but I don’t like girls of my age, they are immature and inexperienced,” writes a review under the name of Joliana Martinelli from May of this year. “I downloaded this dating app without any hesitation…and a 35-year-old single lady attracted me most. She is mature but with good energy, experienced but young at heart.”