Category: @Science

Elon Musk criticized the billionaire’s tax once again, and said he would use the money to get to Mars

Billionaire Elon Musk is no fan of the billionaire-tax proposal from Democrat lawmakers. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. © Kimi Talvitie; NASA; Mark Brake/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Business Insider In his most recent critique, Musk said he would use the billions in tax dollars to reach Mars. “My plan is to use the money to […]

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Men and Women Really Do See Things Differently

Men and women really don’t see eye to eye, according to a new study. Females are better at discriminating among colors, researchers say, while males excel at tracking fast-moving objects and discerning detail from a distance—evolutionary adaptations possibly linked to our hunter-gatherer past. The study, led by Brooklyn College psychology professor Israel Abramov, put young […]

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For the first time in history, surgeons have managed to transplant a pig kidney into a human being

For the first time in history, a group of American surgeons have successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a human being, as part of an experimental procedure performed last month at New York University’s Langone Health Medical Center, he reported. this Wednesday the Reuters agency. Pig kidneys have long been studied for use in medicine, […]

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Bitcoin: city will be heated with heat generated by mining

This week, the CoinDesk website reported a curious case about Bitcoin, dealing more specifically with its mining. According to the source, mining company MintGreen, which specializes in clean technology, is working with Lonsdale Energy Corp. to reuse the heat generated in the production of new cryptocurrencies and heat a small town called North Vancouver, in […]

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Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, based on the eponymous book by Michael Crichton, is something of a moral fable about the dangers of human manipulation of technology, humanity’s failure thereby, technology’s influence on the human condition, and scientific advances that go wrong. Crichton’s work, a pioneer in the modern genre called techno-thriller, has always been to […]

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