Category: Animal

Beluga whales enjoys freedom after 10 years trapped in an aquarium in China

As part of a rescue mission six years in the making, Iceland finally welcomed its newest — and arguably cutest — residents: two beluga whales named Little Grey and Little White. Beyond giving tourists another reason to visit Iceland, these 12-year-old females will eventually christen the world’s first open-water sanctuary for belugas. Sea Life Trust […]

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Fotógrafo captura imagens de um pinguim amarelo “nunca visto antes”

Alguns animais não são da cor que deveriam ser. E esse fotógrafo sortudo encontrou um pinguim amarelo único na natureza. Crédito: Yves Adams / Kennedy News Pinguins são conhecidos por seu “smoking” preto, mas você sabia que também existem pinguins amarelos? Crédito: Yves Adams / Kennedy News Conheça Yves Adams, um guia de turismo fotográfico […]

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Isso é GRANDIOSO: a Nova Zelândia reconheceu oficialmente todos os animais como seres sencientes

A Nova Zelândia criou um incrível precedente ao considerar legalmente o que os amantes da Natureza já sabiam ser verdade: que os animais não-humanos são sensíveis e têm sentimentos do mesmo modo que nós. O Organismo de Bem-Estar Animal informa que processará as pessoas que cometerem crueldades contra animais, e proibirá pesquisas e testes em […]

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A Terra entrou na sexta extinção em massa e ameaça mais de um milhão de espécies

Entre 500 mil e um milhão de espécies animais e vegetais estarão em perigo de extinção devido às alterações climáticas e à ação humana. Cientistas alertam que a Terra entrou na sexta “extinção em massa”, a primeira causada pelo ser humano, e as conseqüências seriam devastadoras. Embora nos últimos 500 anos tenham desaparecido pelo menos […]

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Beautiful Friendship Between A Blind Great Dane and a Miniature Chihuahua Is Too Wholesome For Words

There are some friendship stories that just melt your heart. Of course, every friendship story is beautiful, but you and your buddies can’t beat these two in the cuteness category- ever. This small Chihuahua and her large protector, Great Dane, are adorable. They’ve met in the Dogwood Animal Rescue in Sebastopol, California and their videos […]

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The Furry Puma Was Rescued By His Russian Human Parents and Is Now Living A Life of Luxury

Living in a one bedroom apartment in Russia, shouldn’t cause any problems for a loving couple like Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev, but that was before one of the world’s most renowned soccer players moved in. Well, not actually the soccer player himself, but a burly, furry namesake puma Messi. Weighing in at 90lbs, the Dmitrievs […]

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Missing Cat Gone For 536 Days Jumps Straight Into His Owner’s Arms In An Emotional Reunion

It’s no secret that cats are extremely independent creatures. They enjoy their own space, their own company, and they’re really quite self-sufficient. I mean, if they could use a can opener, would they even need us? However, cats also love to explore, and this can sometimes cause issues for their human parents. Especially when the […]

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