Category: Beauty

The word beauty comes from the old French word beauté. In French the phrase ‘une beauté’ means a beautiful young woman, but beauty is so much more than that. The online dictionary via google says: “beauty is a combination of qualities such as shape, color or form that pleases the aesthetic senses especially the site. […]

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The British public have spoken and you might be surprised to discover who’s made it into your list of ultimate favourites. 2,000 of you voted in a poll by skincare brand Amway Artistry and the results may surprise you! Cclassic beauties such as Grace Kelly and Sophia Loren have championed their modern day counterparts hands […]

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No one cares about how nice/bad you are. My friend Ashish is a badass. He’s the nicest guy I know- 6′ tall, handsome, hairs, eyes, blah blah. Yesterday I found him sitting in my dorm room chanting his regular rant once again. “I’ve never kissed a woman I was sexually attracted to. Never hugged one. […]

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