This depends from person to person, and also reason to reason, you can’t really generalise it.

There might be a genuine reason because of which they breakup. In this case their chances of coming back are too less. Genuine reasons include problems from your side (you are mistreating her, hurting her and just being an arse) or problems from her side (family issues, education issues etc.). If it is because of your problems that she broke up, then as long as you plan to stay like that she is not coming back. And if its because of her problems then i believe its better to let her be because even she can’t help it (or wait for her if you want to).

There is no genuine reason and she left just like that. In this case, she was not serious about you and was not planning to stay for long. She is not coming back. Period.
There are situations where she loved you so much but you’ve been so unfair to her, you didn’t realize it at the right time, then you suddenly decide to be a good guy for her, you go and apologize her and want her back, but you see its too late and she already moved on. She is living happily without you. She is not coming back.

Yes there are girls who don’t really give importance to their self respect and will always come back no matter what you do. But they don’t generally initiate breakup. Although, exceptions are always there.
I don’t really know your situation so its hard to tell specifically. You can categorize your girl from above mentioned points.

Ps: No offense to anyone specific.
A survey of a dating agency with over 1,000 singles revealed a surprising result: every third single person wants his ex-partner back because he regrets the breakup and believes in a second chance.
Because after a breakup, many have doubts about whether it was really the right decision. 35 percent of those surveyed said they would prefer to undo the breakup. That’s practically one in three!
And what does it look like in reality? Incredible, but true: 70 percent are rekindling their old love and generally believe in second chances. But can that work? Apparently so, because according to the study, 35 percent confirm that they have already dared to make a new start with their ex-partner. And at least half of them are happy with this new start.

What’s more, one in five singles has already had sex with their ex. But while only 18 percent of the male respondents regret it, the figure for women is 28 percent.
Incidentally, 62 percent unfriend each other on social networks, but only one in four deletes their ex-partner’s number, thus drawing a definitive line under the relationship. So maybe the “ex file” isn’t completely closed after all? If you want to know whether you’re really over your ex-partner, you can tell by these five signs.
Yes of course. WHY not?

In my concern women’s are the ability to defeat anything about the love issue if they really want it. women’s have nature strength to attract any men’s if they want to attract. Their nature is highly magnetic. If really they want something, they will grasp that thing.
Their thinking ability about their inner passionate love is stronger than any metal made chain. Because of that If THEY WANT SOMETHING , automatically that thing is them.

Let us talk about their deep heart. Women’s heart seams soft according to love issue, on the contrary, 100 times more stronger than men’s heart.
women’s heart:-

It has a power of attraction if they used properly.
It can’t be Brocken without their deep interest.
It gives a single signal to attract any handsome man.
Do girls come back after they break up?