Fascinating Games

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The Furry Puma Was Rescued By His Russian Human Parents and Is Now Living A Life of Luxury

Living in a one bedroom apartment in Russia, shouldn’t cause any problems for a loving couple like Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev, but that was before one of the world’s most renowned soccer players moved in. Well, not actually the soccer player himself, but a burly, furry namesake puma Messi. Weighing in at 90lbs, the Dmitrievs […]

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Missing Cat Gone For 536 Days Jumps Straight Into His Owner’s Arms In An Emotional Reunion

It’s no secret that cats are extremely independent creatures. They enjoy their own space, their own company, and they’re really quite self-sufficient. I mean, if they could use a can opener, would they even need us? However, cats also love to explore, and this can sometimes cause issues for their human parents. Especially when the […]

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‘He has a big birthmark on his face.’ I didn’t care at all. He was so perfect, I was in awe.’: Mom gives birth to baby with Port-Wine Stain, ‘Don’t let fear rule you’

‘He has a big birthmark on his face.’ I didn’t care at all. He was so perfect, I was in awe.’: Mom gives birth to baby with Port-Wine Stain, ‘Don’t let fear rule you’     “The happiest day of my life was finding out I was expecting a little blessing. I found out I […]

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The oerfect female body

I figure there’s no sense denying that when it comes to dating, love and relationships, physical attractiveness matters. We’re visually perceptive and we infer a lot from how people look. We don’t do it consciously, either, so there’s no real way to avoid it. Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s just how we humans work. […]

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These animals seems coming direct from jurassic park

Humans Killed: 4 people (in total that have ever been recorded) Where They Can Be Found: Komodo Island and Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia Notable Features: Shark-like teeth, clawed feet, 10 feet in length Komodo dragons are the world’s largest lizards, growing 10-feet long and weighing about 150 pounds. In recent years, komodo dragons have become somewhat of a […]

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